Winter 2024-23 Outlook

Winter 2024-23 Outlook

The upcoming winter season is expected to bring a mix of weather conditions across the globe. Forecasters are predicting a milder winter in some regions, while others brace for extreme cold and snowfall.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), La Niña is likely to continue through the winter months, leading to above-average temperatures in the southern and eastern United States, as well as parts of Europe and Asia.

Based on current climate models, here’s a more detailed look at the winter outlook for different regions around the world:

Winter 2024-23 Outlook

Forecasters are predicting a mix of weather conditions for the upcoming winter season, with some regions experiencing milder temperatures and others facing extreme cold and snowfall.

  • La Niña to continue through winter
  • Above-average temperatures in southern and eastern US
  • Milder winter in Europe and Asia
  • Extreme cold and snowfall in northern US and Canada
  • Heavy precipitation in Pacific Northwest
  • Drought conditions in southwestern US
  • Increased risk of flooding in central and eastern Europe
  • Warmer and drier winter in Australia
  • Colder and wetter winter in New Zealand
  • El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to transition to neutral in spring

These are just general predictions, and actual weather conditions may vary depending on local factors. It’s always advisable to stay informed about the latest weather forecasts and be prepared for changing conditions.

La Niña to continue through winter

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting that La Niña will continue through the winter months, which means that the eastern Pacific Ocean will remain cooler than average. This can have a significant impact on weather patterns around the world.

Impacts on the United States

During La Niña winters, the southern and eastern United States tend to experience above-average temperatures and reduced precipitation. This can lead to drought conditions in some areas, particularly in the Southwest. In contrast, the northern and western United States often experience colder and wetter winters during La Niña, with increased snowfall and a higher risk of flooding.

Impacts on South America

La Niña can also affect weather patterns in South America, leading to drier conditions in northern and central regions and wetter conditions in southern regions. This can have implications for agriculture and water resources in the region.

Impacts on other parts of the world

La Niña can also influence weather patterns in other parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and Australia. For example, La Niña winters tend to be milder and drier in Europe, with reduced precipitation and snowfall. In Asia, La Niña can lead to increased precipitation and flooding in some areas, while other areas may experience drought.

ENSO transition

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a climate pattern that cycles between El Niño, La Niña, and neutral phases. NOAA is currently predicting that La Niña will transition to a neutral phase in the spring of 2023. This means that the eastern Pacific Ocean will return to average temperatures, and the global climate impacts of La Niña will gradually diminish.

It’s important to note that these are general predictions, and actual weather conditions may vary depending on local factors. It’s always advisable to stay informed about the latest weather forecasts and be prepared for changing conditions.

Above-average temperatures in southern and eastern US

During La Niña winters, the southern and eastern United States tend to experience above-average temperatures. This is because La Niña leads to a shift in the jet stream, which is a high-altitude wind current that steers storms and weather systems. The jet stream tends to be positioned farther to the north during La Niña winters, which allows warmer air from the south to flow into the southern and eastern US.

The above-average temperatures can have a number of impacts, including:

  • Reduced heating costs: Warmer temperatures mean that homes and businesses will require less energy to heat, which can lead to savings on heating bills.
  • Increased outdoor activities: Milder temperatures make it more enjoyable to spend time outdoors, which can lead to increased participation in activities such as hiking, biking, and fishing.
  • Earlier spring: Warmer temperatures can cause plants and flowers to bloom earlier in the spring, which can be a welcome sight after a long winter.
  • Increased risk of drought: While above-average temperatures can be beneficial in some ways, they can also lead to drought conditions, especially in areas that are already prone to dryness. This is because warmer temperatures can increase evaporation rates, which can dry out soils and lead to water shortages.

Overall, the above-average temperatures in the southern and eastern US during La Niña winters can have both positive and negative impacts. It’s important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits so that you can make informed decisions about how to prepare for and respond to these weather conditions.

It’s important to note that these are general predictions, and actual weather conditions may vary depending on local factors. It’s always advisable to stay informed about the latest weather forecasts and be prepared for changing conditions.

Milder winter in Europe and Asia

La Niña winters tend to be milder in Europe and Asia, with reduced precipitation and snowfall. This is because the jet stream, which is a high-altitude wind current that steers storms and weather systems, tends to be positioned farther to the north during La Niña winters. This allows milder air from the south to flow into Europe and Asia, resulting in warmer temperatures and less severe winter weather.

The milder winter conditions can have a number of benefits, including:

  • Reduced heating costs: Warmer temperatures mean that homes and businesses will require less energy to heat, which can lead to savings on heating bills.
  • Increased outdoor activities: Milder temperatures make it more enjoyable to spend time outdoors, which can lead to increased participation in activities such as hiking, biking, and skiing.
  • Reduced risk of winter storms: Milder temperatures and reduced precipitation can lead to a decreased risk of winter storms, such as blizzards and ice storms. This can减少ed traffic accidents, power outages, and other disruptions.

However, it’s important to note that even during La Niña winters, cold spells and snowstorms can still occur in Europe and Asia. It’s always advisable to stay informed about the latest weather forecasts and be prepared for changing conditions.

Overall, the milder winter conditions in Europe and Asia during La Niña winters can have a number of benefits. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential for cold spells and snowstorms, and to be prepared for changing weather conditions.

Extreme cold and snowfall in northern US and Canada

In contrast to the milder winter conditions expected in Europe and Asia, the northern United States and Canada are likely to experience extreme cold and snowfall during the winter of 2024-23. This is because the jet stream, which is a high-altitude wind current that steers storms and weather systems, is predicted to be positioned farther to the south during La Niña winters. This allows colder air from the Arctic to flow into the northern US and Canada, resulting in colder temperatures and increased snowfall.

Impacts on the northern US

The northern US, including the Midwest and Northeast, is likely to experience below-average temperatures and above-average snowfall during the winter of 2024-23. This can lead to hazardous driving conditions, power outages, and other disruptions. It’s important to be prepared for these conditions and to take precautions to stay safe and warm.

Impacts on Canada

Canada is also likely to experience extreme cold and snowfall during the winter of 2024-23, particularly in the northern and central regions. This can lead to similar disruptions as in the northern US, such as hazardous driving conditions and power outages. It’s important for Canadians to be prepared for these conditions and to take steps to stay safe and warm.

Impacts on infrastructure

Extreme cold and snowfall can also have a significant impact on infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and power lines. This can lead to交通 delays, power outages, and other disruptions. It’s important for local governments and utilities to be prepared for these conditions and to have plans in place to respond to any disruptions.

Impacts on health

Extreme cold can also have a negative impact on health, particularly for vulnerable populations such as the elderly, the young, and those with chronic health conditions. It’s important to take precautions to stay warm and to avoid prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.

Overall, the northern US and Canada are likely to experience a challenging winter in 2024-23, with extreme cold and snowfall. It’s important to be prepared for these conditions and to take steps to stay safe and warm.

Heavy precipitation in Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest, including the states of Washington and Oregon, is likely to experience heavy precipitation during the winter of 2024-23. This is because La Niña winters tend to lead to increased precipitation in this region. The jet stream, which is a high-altitude wind current that steers storms and weather systems, tends to be positioned farther to the north during La Niña winters, which allows more moisture-laden air from the Pacific Ocean to flow into the Pacific Northwest.

The heavy precipitation can take the form of rain, snow, or a mix of both. In the coastal areas of the Pacific Northwest, heavy rain is more likely, while in the mountainous areas, heavy snow is more likely. The heavy precipitation can lead to a number of impacts, including:

  • Flooding: Heavy rain and snowmelt can lead to flooding, which can damage homes and businesses, disrupt transportation, and pose a risk to life and safety.
  • Landslides: Heavy rain can also trigger landslides, which can block roads and damage infrastructure.
  • Power outages: Heavy snow and ice can weigh down power lines, leading to power outages.
  • Travel disruptions: Heavy rain and snow can make travel dangerous and can lead to flight delays and cancellations.

It’s important to be prepared for the potential impacts of heavy precipitation during the winter of 2024-23 in the Pacific Northwest. Residents should stay informed about the latest weather forecasts and be prepared to take action to stay safe and protect their property.

Overall, the Pacific Northwest is likely to experience a challenging winter in 2024-23, with heavy precipitation and the potential for flooding, landslides, power outages, and travel disruptions. It’s important to be prepared for these conditions and to take steps to stay safe and protect your property.

Drought conditions in southwestern US

The southwestern United States, including the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, is likely to experience drought conditions during the winter of 2024-23. This is because La Niña winters tend to lead to drier conditions in this region. The jet stream, which is a high-altitude wind current that steers storms and weather systems, tends to be positioned farther to the north during La Niña winters, which allows less moisture-laden air from the Pacific Ocean to flow into the southwestern US.

Impacts on water resources

Drought conditions can have a significant impact on water resources, leading to reduced water levels in reservoirs, rivers, and lakes. This can make it difficult to meet the water needs of cities, farms, and other water users. In some cases, drought can also lead to water shortages and rationing.

Impacts on agriculture

Drought conditions can also have a negative impact on agriculture, leading to reduced crop yields and livestock production. This can have a ripple effect on the economy, as farmers and ranchers may lose income and jobs.

Impacts on ecosystems

Drought conditions can also damage ecosystems, leading to the loss of vegetation and wildlife. This can have a negative impact on biodiversity and the overall health of the environment.

Impacts on wildfire risk

Drought conditions can also increase the risk of wildfires. Dry vegetation is more flammable, and drought conditions can make it easier for fires to start and spread. Wildfires can cause significant damage to property and infrastructure, and they can also pose a risk to life and safety.

Overall, the southwestern US is likely to face a challenging winter in 2024-23, with drought conditions and the potential for water shortages, agricultural losses, environmental damage, and increased wildfire risk. It’s important to be prepared for these conditions and to take steps to conserve water and protect property.

Increased risk of flooding in central and eastern Europe

Central and eastern Europe are likely to face an increased risk of flooding during the winter of 2024-23. This is because La Niña winters tend to lead to increased precipitation in this region. The jet stream, which is a high-altitude wind current that steers storms and weather systems, tends to be positioned farther to the north during La Niña winters, which allows more moisture-laden air from the Atlantic Ocean to flow into central and eastern Europe.

Impacts on infrastructure

Flooding can damage infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and buildings. This can disrupt transportation and communication, and it can also pose a risk to life and safety.

Impacts on agriculture

Flooding can also damage crops and livestock, leading to agricultural losses. This can have a negative impact on the economy and food security.

Impacts on human health

Flooding can also pose a risk to human health, particularly if the floodwaters become contaminated. Floodwaters can carry bacteria and other pathogens, which can cause diseases such as diarrhea, vomiting, and skin infections.

Impacts on ecosystems

Flooding can also damage ecosystems, leading to the loss of vegetation and wildlife. This can have a negative impact on biodiversity and the overall health of the environment.

Overall, central and eastern Europe are likely to face a challenging winter in 2024-23, with an increased risk of flooding and the potential for significant damage to infrastructure, agriculture, human health, and ecosystems. It’s important to be prepared for these conditions and to take steps to protect property and life.

Warmer and drier winter in Australia

Australia is likely to experience a warmer and drier winter during the winter of 2024-23. This is because La Niña winters tend to lead to drier conditions in Australia. The jet stream, which is a high-altitude wind current that steers storms and weather systems, tends to be positioned farther to the north during La Niña winters, which allows less moisture-laden air from the Pacific Ocean to flow into Australia.

Impacts on agriculture

Drought conditions can have a significant impact on agriculture, leading to reduced crop yields and livestock production. This can have a ripple effect on the economy, as farmers and ranchers may lose income and jobs.

Impacts on water resources

Drought conditions can also lead to reduced water levels in reservoirs, rivers, and lakes. This can make it difficult to meet the water needs of cities, farms, and other water users. In some cases, drought can also lead to water shortages and rationing.

Impacts on ecosystems

Drought conditions can also damage ecosystems, leading to the loss of vegetation and wildlife. This can have a negative impact on biodiversity and the overall health of the environment.

Impacts on human health

Drought conditions can also pose a risk to human health, particularly if the drought leads to water shortages and poor sanitation. Drought can also increase the risk of wildfires, which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues.

Overall, Australia is likely to face a challenging winter in 2024-23, with warmer and drier conditions and the potential for drought, water shortages, and other negative impacts. It’s important to be prepared for these conditions and to take steps to conserve water, protect property, and safeguard human health.

### Colder and wetter winter in New Zealand

New Zealand is likely to experience a colder and wetter winter during the winter of 2024-23. This is because La Niña winters tend to lead to colder and wetter conditions in New Zealand. The jet stream, which is a high-altitude wind current that steers storms and weather systems, tends to be positioned farther to the south during La Niña winters, which allows more cold air from the Southern Ocean to flow into New Zealand. Additionally, La Niña winters tend to lead to increased precipitation in New Zealand, as more moisture-laden air from the Tasman Sea is drawn into the country.

The colder and wetter winter conditions can have a number of impacts, including:

  • Increased risk of flooding: Heavy rain and snowmelt can lead to flooding, which can damage homes and businesses, disrupt transportation, and pose a risk to life and safety.
  • Landslides: Heavy rain can also trigger landslides, which can block roads and damage infrastructure.
  • Power outages: Heavy snow and ice can weigh down power lines, leading to power outages.
  • Travel disruptions: Heavy rain and snow can make travel dangerous and can lead to flight delays and cancellations.
  • Impacts on agriculture: Cold and wet conditions can damage crops and livestock, leading to agricultural losses.
  • Impacts on human health: Cold and wet conditions can also pose a risk to human health, particularly for vulnerable populations such as the elderly, the young, and those with chronic health conditions.

Overall, New Zealand is likely to face a challenging winter in 2024-23, with colder and wetter conditions and the potential for flooding, landslides, power outages, travel disruptions, agricultural losses, and negative impacts on human health. It’s important to be prepared for these conditions and to take steps to stay safe and protect property.

It’s important to note that these are general predictions, and actual weather conditions may vary depending on local factors. It’s always advisable to stay informed about the latest weather forecasts and be prepared for changing conditions.

El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to transition to neutral in spring

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a climate pattern that cycles between El Niño, La Niña, and neutral phases. El Niño and La Niña are characterized by unusually warm or cool ocean temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, respectively. These changes in ocean temperatures can have a significant impact on weather patterns around the world.

Currently, the ENSO pattern is in a La Niña phase. However, NOAA is predicting that ENSO will transition to a neutral phase in the spring of 2023. This means that the ocean temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean will return to average levels. The transition to a neutral ENSO phase typically indicates a return to more normal weather patterns around the world.

The transition to a neutral ENSO phase in the spring of 2023 could have a number of implications for the winter of 2024-23. For example, it could lead to a weakening of the jet stream, which is a high-altitude wind current that steers storms and weather systems. This could result in less extreme weather conditions in some parts of the world, such as fewer blizzards in the northern United States and Canada and fewer heat waves in the southern United States and Europe.

It’s important to note that these are general predictions, and actual weather conditions may vary depending on local factors. It’s always advisable to stay informed about the latest weather forecasts and be prepared for changing conditions.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Winter 2024-23 Outlook:

Question 1: What is La Niña?
Answer: La Niña is a climate pattern that is characterized by unusually cool ocean temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. La Niña can have a significant impact on weather patterns around the world, including the United States.

Question 2: What are the impacts of La Niña on the United States?
Answer: La Niña can lead to a variety of impacts on the United States, including above-average temperatures in the southern and eastern US, below-average temperatures in the northern and western US, and increased precipitation in the Pacific Northwest.

Question 3: What is El Niño?
Answer: El Niño is a climate pattern that is characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. El Niño can also have a significant impact on weather patterns around the world, including the United States.

Question 4: What are the impacts of El Niño on the United States?
Answer: El Niño can lead to a variety of impacts on the United States, including below-average temperatures in the southern and eastern US, above-average temperatures in the northern and western US, and decreased precipitation in the Pacific Northwest.

Question 5: What is the difference between La Niña and El Niño?
Answer: The main difference between La Niña and El Niño is the temperature of the ocean waters in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. La Niña is characterized by cooler-than-average ocean temperatures, while El Niño is characterized by warmer-than-average ocean temperatures.

Question 6: What is the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)?
Answer: The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a climate pattern that cycles between El Niño, La Niña, and neutral phases. ENSO can have a significant impact on weather patterns around the world.

Question 7: What is the current ENSO phase?
Answer: The current ENSO phase is La Niña.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the Winter 2024-23 Outlook. For more information, please visit the NOAA website.

Now that you have a better understanding of the Winter 2024-23 Outlook, you can start to prepare for the upcoming winter season. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe and comfortable during the winter months:


Here are a few tips to help you stay safe and comfortable during the winter months:

Tip 1: Stay informed about the weather forecast.
It’s important to stay informed about the weather forecast, especially during the winter months. This will help you prepare for any severe weather events, such as blizzards, ice storms, and flooding.

Tip 2: Dress warmly.
When you go outside during the winter months, it’s important to dress warmly. Wear layers of clothing, including a hat, gloves, and scarf. This will help you stay warm and prevent hypothermia.

Tip 3: Be careful on icy roads.
If you have to drive during the winter months, be careful on icy roads. Slow down and allow yourself extra time to reach your destination. If possible, avoid driving altogether during icy conditions.

Tip 4: Have a winter emergency kit in your car.
In case you get stranded in your car during a winter storm, it’s important to have a winter emergency kit. This kit should include items such as a blanket, flashlight, first-aid kit, and non-perishable food.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can help stay safe and comfortable during the winter months.

The Winter 2024-23 Outlook provides a general overview of the expected weather conditions for the upcoming winter season. By understanding the potential impacts of La Niña and other climate patterns, you can start to prepare for the winter months and stay safe and comfortable.


The Winter 2024-23 Outlook provides a general overview of the expected weather conditions for the upcoming winter season. La Niña is likely to continue through the winter months, which means that the eastern Pacific Ocean will remain cooler than average. This can have a significant impact on weather patterns around the world, including the United States.

Some of the key takeaways from the Winter 2024-23 Outlook include:

  • Above-average temperatures are expected in the southern and eastern United States.
  • Below-average temperatures are expected in the northern and western United States.
  • Heavy precipitation is expected in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Drought conditions are expected in the southwestern United States.
  • An increased risk of flooding is expected in central and eastern Europe.
  • A warmer and drier winter is expected in Australia.
  • A colder and wetter winter is expected in New Zealand.

It’s important to note that these are general predictions, and actual weather conditions may vary depending on local factors. It’s always advisable to stay informed about the latest weather forecasts and be prepared for changing conditions.

Closing Message

By understanding the potential impacts of La Niña and other climate patterns, you can start to prepare for the winter months and stay safe and comfortable. Remember to follow the tips outlined in this article, such as staying informed about the weather forecast, dressing warmly, and being careful on icy roads.

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