When Is The New Moon In July 2024

When Is The New Moon In July 2024

The new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle, when the moon is not visible from Earth. This happens when the moon is between the Earth and the sun, and the side of the moon facing the Earth is not illuminated. The new moon is often associated with new beginnings and fresh starts.

The new moon in July 2024 will occur on Saturday, July 6th, at 12:08 AM UTC. This new moon will be in the sign of Cancer, which is a water sign. Cancer is known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature.

The new moon in July 2024 is a time to reflect on our emotional needs and to connect with our inner selves. It is also a good time to set intentions for the future and to make plans for new projects.

When Is The New Moon In July 2024

The new moon in July 2024 occurs on Saturday, July 6th, at 12:08 AM UTC. This new moon will be in the sign of Cancer, which is a water sign known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature.

  • July 6th, 2024
  • 12:08 AM UTC
  • Cancer
  • New beginnings
  • Fresh starts
  • Emotional needs
  • Inner self

The new moon in July 2024 is a time to reflect on our emotional needs and to connect with our inner selves. It is also a good time to set intentions for the future and to make plans for new projects.

July 6th, 2024

The new moon in July 2024 occurs on July 6th, 2024, at 12:08 AM UTC. This means that the new moon will be visible in the night sky on the evening of July 5th and the morning of July 6th, depending on your location.

The new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle, when the moon is not visible from Earth. This happens when the moon is between the Earth and the sun, and the side of the moon facing the Earth is not illuminated. The new moon is often associated with new beginnings and fresh starts.

The new moon in July 2024 will be in the sign of Cancer, which is a water sign known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature. This new moon is a good time to reflect on our emotional needs and to connect with our inner selves. It is also a good time to set intentions for the future and to make plans for new projects.

The new moon in July 2024 is a powerful time for manifestation. If you have any wishes or goals, it is a good time to write them down and focus on them. The new moon will help you to bring your intentions into reality.

In addition to the new moon, there will also be a solar eclipse on July 6th, 2024. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, blocking the sun’s light. The solar eclipse on July 6th, 2024 will be a total solar eclipse, which means that the moon will completely block the sun’s light for a few minutes.

12:08 AM UTC

The new moon in July 2024 occurs on July 6th, 2024, at 12:08 AM UTC. UTC, or Coordinated Universal Time, is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is the basis for civil time today.

  • Universal time standard

    UTC is the basis for civil time today. It is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time.

  • Not affected by daylight saving time

    UTC is not affected by daylight saving time, which means that it is the same time all year round.

  • Used for international communication

    UTC is used for international communication, such as aviation and shipping.

  • Can be used to calculate time zones

    UTC can be used to calculate time zones. By adding or subtracting a certain number of hours from UTC, you can find the time in any time zone in the world.

The new moon in July 2024 will occur at 12:08 AM UTC, which means that it will be visible in the night sky on the evening of July 5th and the morning of July 6th, depending on your location.


The new moon in July 2024 will be in the sign of Cancer, which is a water sign known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature. Cancer is also a cardinal sign, which means that it is associated with new beginnings and fresh starts.

The new moon in Cancer is a good time to reflect on our emotional needs and to connect with our inner selves. It is also a good time to set intentions for the future and to make plans for new projects. The new moon in Cancer will help us to be more in tune with our emotions and to make decisions that are in alignment with our hearts.

Cancer is also associated with the home and family. The new moon in Cancer is a good time to focus on our relationships with our loved ones and to make our homes more comfortable and inviting. It is also a good time to start new projects related to the home, such as renovating or decorating.

Overall, the new moon in Cancer is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. It is a good time to focus on our emotional needs, to connect with our inner selves, and to make plans for the future. The new moon in Cancer will help us to be more in tune with our emotions and to make decisions that are in alignment with our hearts.

Here are some specific things that you can do during the new moon in Cancer to make the most of its energy:

  • Spend time with loved ones.
  • Meditate or do other activities that help you to connect with your inner self.
  • Set intentions for the future.
  • Make plans for new projects.
  • Start new projects related to the home.
  • Do things that make you feel good and that nourish your soul.

New beginnings

The new moon is always a time for new beginnings, and the new moon in July 2024 is no exception. This new moon will be in the sign of Cancer, which is a water sign known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature. Cancer is also a cardinal sign, which means that it is associated with new beginnings and fresh starts.

The new moon in Cancer is a good time to reflect on what you want to create in your life. What are your goals and dreams? What do you want to achieve in the next few months or years? The new moon in Cancer will help you to plant the seeds for your future success.

To make the most of the new moon in Cancer, take some time to meditate or do other activities that help you to connect with your inner self. Ask yourself what you truly want out of life. What are your passions? What makes you happy? Once you know what you want, you can start to make plans to achieve it.

The new moon in Cancer is also a good time to start new projects. This could be anything from starting a new business to writing a book to learning a new skill. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it is something that you are passionate about. The new moon in Cancer will give you the energy and motivation to make your dreams a reality.

Here are some specific things that you can do during the new moon in Cancer to make the most of its energy for new beginnings:

  • Set intentions for the future.
  • Make plans for new projects.
  • Start new projects.
  • Do things that make you feel good and that nourish your soul.
  • Spend time with loved ones.
  • Meditate or do other activities that help you to connect with your inner self.

Fresh starts

The new moon is always a time for fresh starts, and the new moon in July 2024 is no exception. This new moon will be in the sign of Cancer, which is a water sign known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature. Cancer is also a cardinal sign, which means that it is associated with new beginnings and fresh starts.

The new moon in Cancer is a good time to let go of the past and to start fresh. This could mean ending a relationship that is no longer serving you, quitting a job that you hate, or moving to a new city. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it is something that will help you to create a better life for yourself.

To make the most of the new moon in Cancer, take some time to reflect on what you want to leave behind in the past. What are the things that are holding you back from living your best life? Once you know what you want to let go of, you can start to take steps to do so.

The new moon in Cancer is also a good time to start new projects. This could be anything from starting a new business to writing a book to learning a new skill. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it is something that you are passionate about. The new moon in Cancer will give you the energy and motivation to make your dreams a reality.

Here are some specific things that you can do during the new moon in Cancer to make the most of its energy for fresh starts:

  • Let go of the past.
  • Start new projects.
  • Do things that make you feel good and that nourish your soul.
  • Spend time with loved ones.
  • Meditate or do other activities that help you to connect with your inner self.

Emotional needs

The new moon in July 2024 will be in the sign of Cancer, which is a water sign known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature. Cancer is also a cardinal sign, which means that it is associated with new beginnings and fresh starts.

  • Need for security and stability

    Cancer is a homebody sign, and Cancerians have a strong need for security and stability in their lives. They need to feel safe and loved in order to thrive.

  • Need for emotional connection

    Cancerians are very emotional and intuitive, and they need to feel emotionally connected to the people in their lives. They need to be able to express their emotions freely and to feel supported by their loved ones.

  • Need for nurturing and care

    Cancerians are very nurturing and caring, and they need to feel needed and appreciated. They need to be able to give and receive love and affection in order to feel fulfilled.

  • Need for a sense of belonging

    Cancerians are very loyal and devoted, and they need to feel like they belong to a group or community. They need to be able to connect with others on a deep level and to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

The new moon in Cancer is a good time to focus on your emotional needs and to make sure that they are being met. This could mean spending time with loved ones, doing things that make you feel good, or simply taking some time for yourself to relax and recharge.

Inner self

The new moon in July 2024 will be in the sign of Cancer, which is a water sign known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature. Cancer is also a cardinal sign, which means that it is associated with new beginnings and fresh starts.

  • Need for self-reflection

    The new moon in Cancer is a good time to reflect on your inner self and to get to know yourself better. This could mean spending time alone in meditation or journaling, or simply taking some time to quietly reflect on your thoughts and feelings.

  • Need for self-acceptance

    Cancer is a sign of acceptance, and the new moon in Cancer is a good time to accept yourself for who you are. This means accepting your strengths and weaknesses, your light and your shadow. When you accept yourself, you can begin to love yourself more fully.

  • Need for self-care

    Cancer is a nurturing sign, and the new moon in Cancer is a good time to take care of yourself. This means eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. It also means taking time for yourself to do things that you enjoy and that make you feel good.

  • Need for self-expression

    Cancer is a creative sign, and the new moon in Cancer is a good time to express yourself creatively. This could mean writing, painting, dancing, or simply spending time in nature. When you express yourself creatively, you can connect with your inner self and share your unique gifts with the world.

The new moon in Cancer is a good time to focus on your inner self and to make sure that your needs are being met. This could mean spending time alone, practicing self-care, or simply taking some time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the new moon in July 2024:

Question 1: When is the new moon in July 2024?
Answer 1: The new moon in July 2024 will occur on Saturday, July 6th, at 12:08 AM UTC.

Question 2: What sign will the new moon be in?
Answer 2: The new moon in July 2024 will be in the sign of Cancer.

Question 3: What does the new moon in Cancer mean?
Answer 3: The new moon in Cancer is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. It is also a good time to focus on your emotional needs and to connect with your inner self.

Question 4: What are some things that I can do during the new moon in Cancer?
Answer 4: Some things that you can do during the new moon in Cancer include setting intentions for the future, making plans for new projects, spending time with loved ones, meditating, and doing things that make you feel good.

Question 5: Is the new moon in Cancer a good time to start a new relationship?
Answer 5: The new moon in Cancer is a good time to start a new relationship if you are looking for a deep and emotional connection. However, it is important to remember that all relationships take time and effort to develop.

Question 6: Is the new moon in Cancer a good time to make a major life change?
Answer 6: The new moon in Cancer is a good time to make a major life change if you are feeling called to do so. However, it is important to carefully consider all of your options and to make sure that you are making the change for the right reasons.

Question 7: What are some tips for making the most of the new moon in Cancer?
Answer 7: Some tips for making the most of the new moon in Cancer include setting intentions, spending time in nature, and connecting with your loved ones.

The new moon in July 2024 is a powerful time for new beginnings and fresh starts. By understanding the meaning of this new moon and by following the tips above, you can make the most of its energy.

In addition to the FAQ above, here are some additional tips for making the most of the new moon in July 2024:


Here are some tips for making the most of the new moon in July 2024:

Set intentions
The new moon is a powerful time to set intentions for the future. Take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve in the next few months or years. Once you know what you want, write it down and focus on it during the new moon. The new moon’s energy will help you to manifest your desires.

Spend time in nature
Cancer is a water sign, and water is associated with emotions. Spending time in nature can help you to connect with your emotions and to feel more grounded. Go for a walk in the park, sit by a river, or simply spend some time in your backyard. The fresh air and natural beauty will help you to relax and to connect with your inner self.

Connect with your loved ones
Cancer is also a sign of family and home. The new moon in Cancer is a good time to connect with your loved ones and to spend time with the people who make you feel good. Go out to dinner, have a movie night, or simply spend some time talking and laughing. The new moon’s energy will help you to strengthen your relationships and to create lasting memories.

Do something that makes you feel good
The new moon in Cancer is a good time to do something that makes you feel good. This could be anything from taking a bubble bath to reading a book to spending time with your favorite hobby. The new moon’s energy will help you to relax and to recharge your batteries.

By following these tips, you can make the most of the new moon in July 2024. This new moon is a powerful time for new beginnings and fresh starts. By setting intentions, spending time in nature, connecting with your loved ones, and doing something that makes you feel good, you can harness the new moon’s energy to create a better life for yourself.

The new moon in July 2024 is a special time. By understanding the meaning of this new moon and by following the tips above, you can make the most of its energy and create a better life for yourself.


The new moon in July 2024 is a powerful time for new beginnings and fresh starts. This new moon will be in the sign of Cancer, which is a water sign known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature. The new moon in Cancer is a good time to reflect on our emotional needs and to connect with our inner selves. It is also a good time to set intentions for the future and to make plans for new projects.

Here are some of the main points to remember about the new moon in July 2024:

  • The new moon in July 2024 will occur on Saturday, July 6th, at 12:08 AM UTC.
  • The new moon will be in the sign of Cancer.
  • The new moon in Cancer is a good time for new beginnings and fresh starts.
  • The new moon in Cancer is a good time to focus on our emotional needs and to connect with our inner selves.
  • The new moon in Cancer is a good time to set intentions for the future and to make plans for new projects.

By understanding the meaning of the new moon in July 2024 and by following the tips above, you can make the most of its energy and create a better life for yourself.

The new moon is a time of great potential. It is a time to plant the seeds for our future success. By setting intentions, spending time in nature, connecting with our loved ones, and doing something that makes us feel good, we can harness the new moon’s energy to create a better life for ourselves.

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