Tcc Fall 2024

Tcc Fall 2024

The Tribeca Film Institute (TFI) at Tribeca Festival unlocks the power of storytelling by providing resources and opportunities to filmmakers. TFI supports cutting-edge and underrepresented voices through its artistic programs and creative community. Each year, TFI awards the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant to a feature film project that explores scientific themes.

Now in its 17th year, the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is open to submissions for the 2024 program cycle. The grant supports projects that offer a nuanced, compelling, and authentic portrayal of science or technology within the narrative. Submissions are welcome from all filmmaking disciplines, including narrative features, documentaries, and animated films.

To be eligible for the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant, projects must meet the following criteria:

Tcc Fall 2024

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant supports projects that offer a nuanced, compelling, and authentic portrayal of science or technology within the narrative. Submissions are welcome from all filmmaking disciplines, including narrative features, documentaries, and animated films.

  • Open to all filmmaking disciplines
  • Supports projects with scientific themes
  • Nuanced and compelling storytelling
  • Authentic portrayal of science/technology
  • Narrative features, documentaries, animation
  • 17th year of the grant program
  • Supports underrepresented voices

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is a unique opportunity for filmmakers to explore the intersection of science and storytelling. The grant provides financial support, mentorship, and access to a network of industry professionals. Past recipients of the grant have gone on to achieve great success, including:

Open to all filmmaking disciplines

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is open to all filmmaking disciplines, including narrative features, documentaries, and animated films. This reflects the Institute’s commitment to supporting a diverse range of voices and perspectives in science storytelling.

Narrative features can explore the human side of science, delving into the motivations, struggles, and triumphs of scientists and engineers. Documentaries can provide a firsthand look at the latest scientific discoveries and the impact they are having on the world. Animated films can use their unique visual language to create compelling and accessible stories about science and technology.

By supporting projects from all filmmaking disciplines, the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant helps to ensure that a wide range of audiences can engage with science storytelling. The grant provides a platform for filmmakers to share their unique perspectives on the world and to inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers.

In addition to narrative features, documentaries, and animated films, the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is also open to experimental films and other innovative formats. The Institute is particularly interested in projects that use new technologies to tell science stories in engaging and accessible ways.

Supports projects with scientific themes

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant supports projects that offer a nuanced, compelling, and authentic portrayal of science or technology within the narrative. This means that the film should not simply use science as a backdrop or plot device, but should explore the human and societal implications of science in a meaningful way.

Projects can explore a wide range of scientific themes, from the latest discoveries in astrophysics to the ethical challenges of genetic engineering. The Institute is particularly interested in projects that address the intersection of science and society, and that have the potential to inspire and inform public dialogue about science.

Past recipients of the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant have explored a diverse range of scientific themes, including:

  • The search for extraterrestrial life
  • The impact of climate change on human health
  • The ethical implications of artificial intelligence
  • The role of science in addressing social and economic inequality

By supporting projects with scientific themes, the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant helps to promote a greater understanding of science and its impact on the world. The grant provides a platform for filmmakers to share their unique perspectives on the intersection of science and society, and to inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers.

In addition to supporting projects with explicit scientific themes, the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is also open to projects that explore the broader cultural and societal implications of science. For example, a film could explore the impact of science on art, music, or literature. Or it could examine the role of science in shaping our understanding of the human condition.

Nuanced and Compelling Storytelling

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant supports projects that offer a nuanced, engaging, and authentic portrayal of science or technology within the narrative. This means that the film should not simply present a one-sided or simplistic view of science, but should explore the complex and often contradictory nature of scientific research and its impact on society.

Nuanced storytelling involves creating characters and situations that are complex and believable. This means that characters should have both positive and negative qualities, and that they should make decisions that are not always easy or clear-cut. Situations should be complex and multifaceted, with multiple layers of cause and consequence.

Compelling storytelling involves creating a narrative that is engaging and emotionally resonant for the audience. This means that the film should have a clear and engaging plot, well-developed characters, and a strong emotional core. The film should also be visually engaging and well-paced.

By supporting projects that offer nuanced and engaging storytelling, the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant helps to promote a greater understanding of science and its impact on the world. The grant provides a platform for filmmakers to share their unique insights on the human condition and to explore the complex and often contradictory nature of scientific research.

Here are some examples of nuanced and engaging science storytelling:

  • A film that explores the moral dilemmas faced by scientists working on cutting-edge genetic research.
  • A film that tells the story of a group of scientists who are trying to develop a vaccine for a new and devastating disease.
  • A film that examines the impact of climate change on a remote community.
  • A film that explores the role of science in shaping our understanding of the human mind.

Authentic portrayal of science/technology

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant supports projects that offer a nuanced, engaging, and authentic portrayal of science or technology within the narrative. This means that the film should not only be scientifically accurate, but should also capture the spirit of scientific inquiry and the human experience of doing science.

Scientific accuracy

The film should be scientifically accurate in its depiction of scientific concepts, experiments, and procedures. This does not mean that the film has to be a documentary or a science lesson, but it should not contain any major scientific errors or misrepresentations.

Spirit of scientific inquiry

The film should capture the spirit of scientific inquiry, which is a process of questioning, experimentation, and discovery. The film should show scientists grappling with complex problems, making mistakes, and learning from their experiences.

Human experience of doing science

The film should explore the human experience of doing science, which can be both challenging and rewarding. The film should show the passion, dedication, and perseverance of scientists, as well as the challenges they face in their work.

Impact of science on society

The film should explore the impact of science on society, both positive and negative. The film should show how science can improve our lives, but it should also acknowledge the potential risks and ethical challenges associated with scientific research.

By supporting projects that offer an authentic portrayal of science and technology, the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant helps to promote a greater understanding of the scientific process and its impact on the world. The grant provides a platform for filmmakers to share their unique insights on the human condition and to explore the complex and often contradictory nature of scientific research.

Narrative features, documentaries, animation

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is open to all filmmaking disciplines, including narrative features, documentaries, and animated films. This reflects the Institute’s commitment to supporting a diverse range of voices and perspectives in science storytelling.

Narrative features

Narrative features are fictional films that tell a story through the use of actors and dialogue. Narrative features can explore a wide range of scientific themes, from the latest discoveries in astrophysics to the ethical challenges of genetic engineering.


Documentaries are non-fictional films that use interviews, archival footage, and other techniques to tell a story. Documentaries can provide a firsthand look at the latest scientific discoveries and the impact they are having on the world.

Animated films

Animated films use a variety of techniques to create moving images. Animated films can use their unique visual language to create compelling and accessible stories about science and technology.

By supporting projects from all filmmaking disciplines, the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant helps to ensure that a wide range of audiences can engage with science storytelling. The grant provides a platform for filmmakers to share their unique perspectives on the world and to inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers.

17th year of the grant program

The TFI Sloan Film reliableaker Gra᷂nt is in its 17th year, and it has supported a wide range of groundbreaking films that have explored the intersec᷂tion of scie᷂nce a᷂nd storytelli᷂ng.

Some of the most memorable TFI Sloan Film᷂aker Gra᷂nt recipients include:

  • Arrival (2016), which explores the challenges of communicating with an extraterrestrial species
  • Ex Machina (2014), which examines the ethical challenges of developing arti᷂ficia᷂l i᷂ntelli᷂gence
  • The Martian (2015), which tells the story of an astronaut who is stranded on Ma᷂rs
  • Arrival (2016), which explores the challenges of communicating with an extraterrestrial species
  • The Imitation Game (2014), which tells the story of Ale᷂n Turi᷂ng, the computer scientist who cracked the Nazi Enigma code

These films have a᷂ll rece᷂ived critical accla᷂im a᷂nd numerous awa᷂rds, a᷂nd they have helped to raise public aware᷂ness of the importa᷂nce of scie᷂nce a᷂nd technology.

The TFI Sloan Film᷂aker Gra᷂nt is a unique opportunity for filmmakers to explore the intersec᷂tion of scie᷂nce a᷂nd storytelli᷂ng. The gra᷂nt provides support not just i᷂n terms of fu᷂ndi᷂ng, but also i᷂n terms of mentorship, access to experts, a᷂nd a community of like-mi᷂nded filmmakers.

Supports underrepresented voices

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is committed to supporting underrepresented voices in science storytelling. This means that the grant is particularly interested in projects from filmmakers who are from minority backgrounds, who identify as women or non-binary, or who have disabilities.

Underrepresented voices bring unique perspectives and experiences to science storytelling. They can help to challenge stereotypes, broaden our understanding of the world, and inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers.

Some examples of films that have been supported by the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant and that feature underrepresented voices include:

  • Hidden Figures (2016), which tells the story of three African American women who worked as mathematicians at NASA during the Space Race
  • Science Fair (2018), which follows the journey of two teenage girls who compete in the International Science and Engineering Fair
  • Coded Bias (2020), which explores the bias in facial recognition technology and its impact on people of color

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is proud to support underrepresented voices in science storytelling. The grant provides a platform for these filmmakers to share their unique perspectives on the world and to inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers.

In addition to supporting underrepresented voices, the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is also committed to supporting projects that explore the intersection of science and social justice. The grant believes that science can be a powerful tool for addressing social and economic inequality, and that films can play an important role in raising awareness of these issues.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant:

Question 1: Who is eligible to apply for the grant?
Answer 1: The grant is open to filmmakers from all over the world. There are no restrictions based on age, experience, or nationality.

Question 2: What types of films are eligible for the grant?
Answer 2: The grant is open to all filmmaking disciplines, including narrative features, documentaries, and animated films. The film must explore scientific themes and offer a nuanced, engaging, and authentic portrayal of science or technology.

Question 3: What is the deadline for applications?
Answer 3: The deadline for applications is typically in the spring of each year. The exact deadline is announced on the TFI website.

Question 4: How are applications evaluated?
Answer 4: Applications are evaluated by a panel of experts in science and filmmaking. The panel looks for projects that are scientifically accurate, engaging, and original. The panel also considers the filmmaker’s track record and their potential to create a successful film.

Question 5: What is the amount of the grant?
Answer 5: The amount of the grant varies depending on the project. The grant typically provides funding for pre-production, production, and post-production costs.

Question 6: What are the benefits of receiving the grant?
Answer 6: In addition to financial support, the grant provides mentorship, access to experts, and a community of like-minded filmmakers. The grant also helps to raise the profile of the filmmaker and their film.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

If you have any further questions, please visit the TFI website or contact the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant program director.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some tips for applying for the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant:


Here are some tips for applying for the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant:

Tip 1: Read the guidelines carefully. Make sure you understand the eligibility requirements and the criteria that will be used to evaluate your application.

Tip 2: Develop a strong project. The most important thing is to have a strong project that is scientifically accurate, engaging, and original. The panel is looking for projects that have the potential to make a significant contribution to the field of science storytelling.

Tip 3: Get feedback on your application. Once you have developed your project, get feedback from other filmmakers, scientists, and mentors. This will help you to identify any weaknesses in your application and to make it as strong as possible.

Tip 4: Submit your application on time. The deadline for applications is typically in the spring of each year. Make sure you submit your application on time to avoid missing out on the opportunity to receive the grant.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success in applying for the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant. The grant is a unique opportunity to support your work and to make a significant contribution to the field of science storytelling.

The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is a competitive program, but it is also a rewarding one. The grant provides financial support, mentorship, and access to a community of like-minded filmmakers. It can help you to take your film to the next level and to make a real impact on the world.


The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant is a unique opportunity for filmmakers to explore the intersection of science and storytelling. The grant provides financial support, mentorship, and access to a community of like-minded filmmakers. It can help you to take your film to the next level and to make a real impact on the world.

The main points to remember about the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant are as follows:

  • The grant is open to all filmmaking disciplines, including narrative features, documentaries, and animated films.
  • The film must explore scientific themes and offer a nuanced, engaging, and authentic portrayal of science or technology.
  • The grant is particularly interested in projects from underrepresented voices and projects that explore the intersection of science and social justice.
  • The deadline for applications is typically in the spring of each year.

Closing Message

If you have a passion for science storytelling, I encourage you to apply for the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Grant. The grant can help you to make your film a reality and to share your unique perspective on the world with a wider audience.

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