Map 2024

Map 2024

The Map 2024 is an international strategy paper that outlines the strategic priorities and objectives of the United Nations for the period 2024-2028. It was adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 2023, and replaces the current strategic plan, the Medium-Term Strategic Plan 2018-2021 (MTSP 2018-2021).

The Map 2024 is based on the premise that the world is facing a number of complex and interconnected challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, and conflict. These challenges require a coordinated and comprehensive response from the entire UN system. The Map 2024 provides a framework for the UN to work together to address these challenges and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

The Map 2024 is structured around four strategic priorities: (1) preventing conflict and promoting sustainable peace; (2) promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all; (3) promoting social inclusion and equality; and (4) protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development.

Map 2024

The Map 2024 is an important strategic document that will guide the work of the United Nations for the period 2024-2028. It is based on the premise that the world is facing a number of complex andLyoninterconnected challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, and conflict. These challenges require a coordinated and comprehensive response from the entire UN system. The Map 2024 provides a framework for the UN to work together to address these challenges and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

  • Prevent conflict
  • Promote peace
  • Inclusive economic growth
  • Decent work
  • Social inclusion
  • Promote equality
  • Protect environment
  • Promote sustainability
  • Achieve SDGs
  • Leave no one behind

The Map 2024 is a ambitious and forward-looking document that sets out a clear path for the UN to follow in the years to come. It is a document that all UN staff should be familiar with, and it should be used to guide our work in all areas.

Prevent conflict

Preventing conflict is one of the four strategic priorities of the Map 2024. The UN recognizes that conflict is a major obstacle to sustainable development, and that it is essential to prevent conflict from occurring in the first place. The Map 2024 outlines a number of ways that the UN will work to prevent conflict, including:

  • Strengthening conflict prevention mechanisms

    The UN will work to strengthen conflict prevention mechanisms at all levels, from the local to the global. This includes supporting mediation and negotiation efforts, and providing early warning of potential conflicts.

  • Promoting inclusive dialogue and reconciliation

    The UN will promote inclusive dialogue and reconciliation efforts in countries that are experiencing or have experienced conflict. This includes supporting civil society organizations and other groups that are working to build peace.

  • Addressing the root causes of conflict

    The UN will work to address the root causes of conflict, such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination. This includes supporting sustainable development and human rights initiatives.

  • Strengthening the UN’s capacity to respond to conflict

    The UN will strengthen its capacity to respond to conflict, including by providing peacekeeping and other forms of support to countries that are experiencing or have experienced conflict.

Preventing conflict is a complex and challenging task, but it is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a more peaceful and prosperous world. The UN is committed to working with all partners to prevent conflict and promote sustainable peace.

Promote peace

Promoting peace is one of the four strategic priorities of the Map April. The UN recognizes that peace is essential for sustainable development and that it is essential to create a world where everyone can live in peace and dignity.
The Map outlines a number of ways that the UN will work to promote peace.
**Preventive measures:** As mentioned in the previous section the UN will focus also on preventive measures to avoid conflicts and promote peace from the early beginning stages.
**Peacekeeping operations:** The UN will continue to deploy peacekeepers to help prevent and resolve conflicts around the world and also very important to help countries rebuild after a conflict and create sustainable peace.
**Peacebuilding initiatives:** The UN will also support peacebuilding initiatives such as disarmament education human rights and reconciliation.
**Political solutions:** The UN will work with governments regulatory and non regulatory organizations and other stakeholders to find political solutions to conflicts and help countries establish lasting peace.
**Role of civil society:** The UN recognizes the important role that civil society organizations play in peacebuilding and will continue to support their work.
Promoting peace is a complex and challenging task but it is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a more peaceful and prosperous world.
The UN is committed to working with all partners to promote peace and security and to create a world where everyone can live in peace and dignity.

Inclusive economic growth

Inclusive economic growth is one of the four strategic priorities of the Map 2024. The UN recognizes that economic growth is essential for sustainable development, but it is also important that growth is inclusive and benefits everyone, not just a privileged few.
The Map outlines a number of ways that the UN will work to promote inclusive economic growth.
**Creating decent jobs:** The UN will work to create decent jobs for all, particularly for women, young people, and persons with disabilities.
**Promoting sustainable enterprises:** The UN will promote sustainable enterprises that create jobs and contribute to economic growth.
**Investing in infrastructure:** The UN will invest in infrastructure, such as energy, transportation, and water, to support economic growth and improve the lives of people.
**Promoting trade and investment:** The UN will promote trade and investment to create jobs and economic growth.
**Addressing inequality:** The UN will work to address inequality and promote social justice.
Inclusive economic growth is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a more just and equitable world.
The UN is committed to working with all partners to promote inclusive economic growth and to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live a decent life.

Decent work

Decent work is one of the four strategic priorities of the Map 2024. The UN recognizes that decent work is essential for sustainable development and that it is essential to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to work in conditions of freedom, equity, security, and human dignity.
The Map outlines a number of ways that the UN will work to promote decent work.
**Creating jobs:** The UN will work to create jobs for all, particularly for women, young people, and persons with disabilities.
**Promoting workers’ rights:** The UN will promote workers’ rights and ensure that workers are treated with dignity and respect.
**Strengthening social protection:** The UN will strengthen social protection systems to ensure that workers have access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and childcare.
**Promoting social dialogue:** The UN will promote social dialogue between governments, employers, and workers to ensure that workers’ voices are heard and their concerns are addressed.
Decent work is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a more just and equitable world.
The UN is committed to working with all partners to promote decent work and to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to work in conditions of freedom, equity, security, and human dignity.

Social inclusion

Social inclusion is one of the four strategic priorities of the Map 2024. The UN recognizes that social inclusion is essential for sustainable development, and that it is essential to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to participate fully in society.

  • Promoting gender equality

    The UN will work to promote gender equality and empower women and girls. This includes working to end violence against women and girls, and to ensure that women and girls have access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

  • Combating discrimination

    The UN will work to combat discrimination against all forms of discrimination, including discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity. This includes working to ensure that everyone has equal access to justice, education, and employment.

  • Promoting the rights of persons with disabilities

    The UN will work to promote the rights of persons with disabilities and ensure that they have full and equal participation in society. This includes working to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to education, employment, and healthcare.

  • Supporting indigenous peoples

    The UN will work to support indigenous peoples and ensure that they have full and equal participation in society. This includes working to protect their rights to land, resources, and culture.

Social inclusion is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a more just and equitable world. The UN is committed to working with all partners to promote social inclusion and to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to participate fully in society.

Promote equality

Promoting equality is one of the four strategic objectives of the Map 2024. The UN recognizes that equality is essential for sustainable development, and that it is essential to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live a life of equality and universality of human rights, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

  • Promoting gender equality

    The UN will work to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. This includes working to end violence against women and girls, and to ensure that women and girls have equal access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

  • Promoting the rights of persons with disability

    The UN will work to promote the rights of persons with disability, and to ensure their full and equal participation in society. This includes working to ensure that persons with disability have equal access to education, healthcare, and employment.

  • Promoting the rights of persons belonging to Indigenous Peoples

    The UN will work to promote the rights of persons belonging to Indigenous Peoples, and to ensure their full and equal participation in society. This includes working to ensure that persons belonging to Indigenous Peoples have equal access to land, resources, and culture.

Promoting equality is essential for the achievement of the sustainable development goals and the creation of a more fair and just world. The UN are committed to working with its partners to promote all these issues, and to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live a life of equality.

Protect environment

Protecting the environment is one of the four strategic priorities of the Map 2024. The UN recognizes that the environment is essential for sustainable development, and that it is essential to protect the planet for future generations.

  • Combating climate change

    The UN will work to combat climate change and its impacts. This includes working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to help countries adapt to the effects of climate change.

  • Protecting biodiversity

    The UN will work to protect biodiversity and ecosystems. This includes working to prevent the extinction of species, and to protect natural habitats.

  • Promoting sustainable consumption and production

    The UN will work to promote sustainable consumption and production. This includes working to reduce waste and pollution, and to encourage the use of renewable resources.

  • Strengthening environmental governance

    The UN will work to strengthen environmental governance. This includes working to improve environmental laws and regulations, and to promote cooperation between governments, businesses, and civil society organizations.

Protecting the environment is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and creating a more sustainable future for all. The UN is committed to working with its partners to protect the environment, and to ensure that future generations can enjoy a healthy and sustainable planet.


Promoting is one of the four strategic objectives of the Map 2024. The UN believes that is essential for sustainable development, and that it is essential to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live a life of -, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

  • Promoting
    The UN will work to promote and the empowerment of women and girls. This includes working to end violence against women and girls, and to ensure that women and girls have equal access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.
  • Promoting the rights of persons with
    The UN will work to promote the rights of persons with and to ensure their full and equal participation in society. This includes working to ensure that persons with have equal access to education, healthcare, and employment.
  • Promoting the rights of persons belonging to
    The UN will work to promote the rights of persons belonging to and to ensure their full and equal participation in society. This includes working to ensure that persons belonging to have equal access to land, resources, and culture.

Promoting is essential for the achievement of the sustainable development goals and the creation of a more fair and just world. The UN is committed to working with its partners to promote all these issues, and to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live a life of .

Achieve SDGs

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the overarching goal of the Map 2024. The SDGs are a set of 17 goals that were adopted by all UN member states in 2015. The goals cover a wide range of issues, including poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, and climate change.
The Map 2024 provides a framework for the UN to work towards achieving the SDGs. The Map outlines a number of strategic priorities and objectives that will guide the UN’s work over the next four years. These priorities and objectives are aligned with the SDGs, and they provide a clear roadmap for how the UN will contribute to achieving the goals.
The UN is committed to working with all partners to achieve the SDGs. The SDGs are a blueprint for a better future for all, and they can only be achieved through collective action.
Here are some examples of how the UN is working to achieve the SDGs:
* The UN is working to end poverty by providing financial assistance to developing countries, and by promoting sustainable economic growth.
* The UN is working to end hunger by providing food aid to those in need, and by promoting sustainable agriculture.
* The UN is working to improve health by providing access to healthcare and by promoting healthy lifestyles.
* The UN is working to improve education by providing access to quality education for all, and by promoting gender equality in education.
* The UN is working to achieve gender equality by promoting the rights of women and girls, and by combating violence against women.
* The UN is working to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and by helping countries to adapt to the effects of climate change.
The UN is making progress towards achieving the SDGs, but there is still much more to be done. The UN is committed to continuing to work with all partners to achieve the SDGs, and to create a better future for all.

Leave no one behind

The principle of “leave no one behind” is central to the Map 2024. The UN recognizes that no one should be left behind in the pursuit of sustainable development. This means that the UN must focus its efforts on reaching the most vulnerable and marginalized people, and on ensuring that they have the opportunity to participate fully in society.

  • Reaching the furthest behind first

    The UN will focus its efforts on reaching the furthest behind first. This means that the UN will prioritize its work in countries and regions that are facing the greatest challenges, and that it will work to ensure that the most vulnerable people have access to essential services.

  • Addressing the root causes of vulnerability

    The UN will work to address the root causes of vulnerability. This includes working to reduce poverty and inequality, and to promote social inclusion. The UN will also work to address the specific needs of vulnerable groups, such as women, children, and persons with disabilities.

  • Empowering people to participate in decision-making

    The UN will work to empower people to participate in decision-making. This includes working to strengthen civil society organizations, and to promote the participation of women and marginalized groups in political processes.

  • Monitoring progress and holding ourselves accountable

    The UN will monitor progress towards leaving no one behind, and it will hold itself accountable for its commitments. The UN will work with partners to develop indicators to measure progress, and it will report regularly on its progress to the General Assembly.

Leaving no one behind is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a more just and equitable world. By focusing its efforts on the most vulnerable and marginalized people, the UN can help to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Map 2024:

Question 1: What is the Map 2024?
Answer: The Map 2024 is the United Nations’ strategic plan for the period 2024-2028. It outlines the UN’s priorities and objectives for the next four years, and provides a framework for the UN to work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Question 2: What are the four strategic priorities of the Map 2024?
Answer: The four strategic priorities of the Map 2024 are: (1) preventing conflict and promoting sustainable peace; (2) promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all; (3) promoting social inclusion and equality; and (4) protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development.

Question 3: How will the Map 2024 be implemented?
Answer: The Map 2024 will be implemented through a variety of mechanisms, including: (1) the UN’s regular budget and program processes; (2) the work of the UN system on the ground; and (3) partnerships with civil society organizations, the private sector, and other stakeholders.

Question 4: How will the progress of the Map 2024 be monitored and evaluated?
Answer: The progress of the Map 2024 will be monitored and evaluated through a variety of mechanisms, including: (1) regular reporting by the UN system to the General Assembly; (2) independent evaluations by the UN’s Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS); and (3) feedback from civil society organizations, the private sector, and other stakeholders.

Question 5: How can I get involved in the Map 2024?
Answer: There are a number of ways that you can get involved in the Map 2024. You can: (1) follow the UN’s work on the Map 2024 on the UN website; (2) join or support a civil society organization that is working on issues related to the Map 2024; (3) donate to a UN agency or fund that is working on issues related to the Map 2024; and (4) advocate for the Map 2024 and its priorities with your government and other stakeholders.

Question 6: Where can I find more information about the Map 2024?
Answer: You can find more information about the Map 2024 on the UN website, at https://www.un.org/en/sections/peace-security/political-affairs/peacebuilding/.

The Map 2024 is a comprehensive and ambitious plan for the future of the United Nations. It provides a framework for the UN to work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.

Here are some tips for reading and understanding the Map 2024:


Here are some tips for reading and understanding the Map 2024:

1. Start with the executive summary. The executive summary provides a concise overview of the Map 2024, including its key priorities and objectives. This is a good place to start if you are short on time or if you want to get a general understanding of the document.

2. Use the table of contents. The table of contents can help you to navigate the Map 2024 and find the information that you are looking for. The table of contents is organized by section, so you can easily find the section that covers the topic that you are interested in.

3. Read the introduction and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion provide context for the Map 2024 and explain its purpose and significance. Reading the introduction and conclusion can help you to understand the overall message of the document.

4. Be patient and take your time. The Map 2024 is a complex and detailed document. It is important to be patient and take your time when reading it. Don’t try to read the entire document in one sitting. Instead, break it up into smaller chunks and read it over time.

By following these tips, you can improve your understanding of the Map 2024 and its implications for the future of the United Nations.

The Map 2024 is a comprehensive and ambitious plan for the future of the United Nations. It provides a framework for the UN to work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.


The Map 2024 is a comprehensive and ambitious plan for the future of the United Nations. It provides a framework for the UN to work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.

The Map 2024 is based on the premise that the world is facing a number of complex and interconnected challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, and conflict. These challenges require a coordinated and comprehensive response from the entire UN system. The Map 2024 provides a framework for the UN to work together to address these challenges and achieve the SDGs by 2030.

The Map 2024 is structured around four strategic priorities: (1) preventing conflict and promoting sustainable peace; (2) promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all; (3) promoting social inclusion and equality; and (4) protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development.

The Map 2024 is a forward-looking document that sets out a clear path for the UN to follow in the years to come. It is a document that all UN staff should be familiar with, and it should be used to guide our work in all areas.

The UN is committed to working with all partners to implement the Map 2024 and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. We believe that a better world is possible, and we are determined to make it a reality.

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