Commander Banned List 2024

Commander Banned List 2024

The Commander Banned List is a list of cards that are not allowed to be played in the Commander format. This list is maintained by the Rules Committee, a group of volunteer judges who oversee the game of Magic: The Gathering. The Commander Banned List is updated on a regular basis, and the most recent update was made on January 1, 2024.

There are a number of reasons why a card may be banned from Commander. Some cards are too powerful for the format, while others can lead to unfun or uninteractive gameplay. The Rules Committee takes a number of factors into consideration when determining whether or not to ban a card, including the card’s power level, its impact on the format, and its potential to create unfun gameplay.

Commander Banned List 2024

The Commander Banned List is a list of cards that are not allowed to be played in the Commander format. This list is maintained by the Rules Committee, a group of volunteer judges who oversee the game of Magic: The Gathering. The Commander Banned List is updated on a regular basis, and the most recent update was made on January 1, 2024.

  • Protects format health
  • Prevents unfun gameplay
  • Ensures competitive balance
  • Promotes deck diversity
  • Considers card power level
  • Evaluates impact on format
  • Addresses potential for abuse
  • Regularly reviewed and updated
  • Enforced by tournament organizers

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to ensure that the format is fun, fair, and competitive. The Rules Committee takes great care in maintaining the list, and they regularly review and update it to ensure that it remains effective.

Protects format health

The Commander Banned List protects the health of the Commander format by preventing cards that are too powerful or disruptive from being played. These cards can lead to unfun and uninteractive gameplay, and they can warp the format around them. By banning these cards, the Rules Committee helps to ensure that the Commander format remains healthy and enjoyable for all players.

For example, the card [[Primeval Titan]] is banned in Commander because it is too powerful. Primeval Titan is a creature that can ramp up mana very quickly, and it can also search for and put powerful lands into play. This makes it very difficult for opponents to keep up, and it can lead to Primeval Titan player quickly taking over the game.

Another example is the card [[Leovold, Emissary of Trest]]. Leovold is a planeswalker that prevents opponents from drawing cards. This makes it very difficult for opponents to interact with the Leovold player, and it can lead to the Leovold player slowly grinding out the game.

By banning cards like Primeval Titan and Leovold, the Rules Committee helps to ensure that the Commander format remains healthy and fun for all players.

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format and ensure that it remains fun and enjoyable for all players.

Prevents unfun gameplay

The Commander Banned List also helps to prevent unfun gameplay. Some cards can lead to long, drawn-out games, or they can make it very difficult for opponents to interact with the game. These cards can make the Commander format unfun and frustrating for players.

For example, the card [[Stasis]] is banned in Commander because it can lead to very long and drawn-out games. Stasis prevents players from untapping their permanents during their untap steps. This makes it very difficult for opponents to develop their board and interact with the game.

Another example is the card [[Omniscience]]. Omniscience allows a player to cast spells without paying their mana costs. This can lead to a player quickly taking over the game, as they can cast powerful spells without having to worry about mana.

By banning cards like Stasis and Omniscience, the Rules Committee helps to ensure that the Commander format remains fun and interactive for all players.

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format and ensure that it remains fun and enjoyable for all players.

Ensures competitive balance

The Commander Banned List also helps to ensure competitive balance in the Commander format. Some cards are so powerful that they can dominate a game, making it very difficult for other players to win. These cards can create an unfair advantage for the player who is playing them.

For example, the card [[Golos, Tireless Pilgrim]] is banned in Commander because it is too powerful. Golos is a planeswalker that can ramp up mana very quickly, and it can also search for and put powerful lands into play. This makes it very difficult for opponents to keep up, and it can lead to the Golos player quickly taking over the game.

Another example is the card [[Hullbreacher]]. Hullbreacher is a creature that allows a player to draw cards whenever an opponent casts a spell. This can quickly lead to the Hullbreacher player drawing their entire deck, while their opponents are unable to keep up. This creates an unfair advantage for the Hullbreacher player, and it can make the game unfun for other players.

By banning cards like Golos and Hullbreacher, the Rules Committee helps to ensure that the Commander format remains competitive and balanced. This makes it more likely that all players will have a fair chance of winning.

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format, prevent unfun gameplay, and ensure competitive balance. This makes the Commander format more enjoyable for all players.

Promotes deck diversity

The Commander Banned List also helps to promote deck diversity in the Commander format. By banning certain cards, the Rules Committee encourages players to explore different deckbuilding options.

  • Bans cards that are too powerful or disruptive

    When cards are too powerful or disruptive, they can lead to decks that are all very similar. By banning these cards, the Rules Committee encourages players to build decks that are more unique and varied.

  • Bans cards that are used in too many decks

    Some cards are so good that they are used in a large percentage of decks. This can lead to a lack of deck diversity, as players feel like they have to include these cards in their decks in order to be competitive.

  • Bans cards that lead to unfun gameplay

    Some cards can lead to unfun and uninteractive gameplay. By banning these cards, the Rules Committee encourages players to build decks that are more fun and interactive for all players.

  • Bans cards that are not in the spirit of the format

    The Commander format is a casual format that is meant to be fun and enjoyable for all players. Some cards are not in the spirit of the format, and they can lead to unfun gameplay. By banning these cards, the Rules Committee helps to ensure that the Commander format remains fun and enjoyable for all players.

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format, prevent unfun gameplay, ensure competitive balance, and promote deck diversity. This makes the Commander format more enjoyable for all players.

Considers card power level

When determining whether or not to ban a card, the Rules Committee considers the card’s power level. This includes the card’s mana cost, its abilities, and its potential impact on the game. The Rules Committee also considers how the card interacts with other cards in the format.

For example, the card [[Time Warp]] is banned in Commander because it is too powerful. Time Warp is a sorcery that allows a player to take an extra turn. This can be a very powerful effect, especially in a format like Commander, where games can go on for a long time. The Rules Committee decided to ban Time Warp because it felt that the card was too powerful and that it could lead to unfun and uninteractive gameplay.

Another example is the card [[Sylvan Primordial]]. Sylvan Primordial is a creature that can destroy all artifacts and enchantments on the battlefield. This can be a very powerful effect, especially in a format like Commander, where artifacts and enchantments are often used to support powerful strategies. The Rules Committee decided to ban Sylvan Primordial because it felt that the card was too powerful and that it could lead to unfun and uninteractive gameplay.

The Rules Committee takes card power level into account when making decisions about the Commander Banned List. The goal is to ban cards that are too powerful and that could lead to unfun and uninteractive gameplay.

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format, prevent unfun gameplay, ensure competitive balance, promote deck diversity, and consider card power level. This makes the Commander format more enjoyable for all players.

Evaluates impact on format

When determining whether or not to ban a card, the Rules Committee also evaluates the card’s impact on the format. This includes how the card affects the metagame, how it interacts with other cards in the format, and how it affects the overall gameplay experience.

  • Card’s impact on the metagame

    The Rules Committee considers how the card will affect the metagame. Will it make certain decks too powerful? Will it make certain strategies unplayable? The Rules Committee wants to make sure that the banned list keeps the metagame diverse and healthy.

  • Card’s interaction with other cards in the format

    The Rules Committee also considers how the card interacts with other cards in the format. Are there any cards that are particularly powerful when combined with the banned card? Are there any cards that are particularly weak against the banned card? The Rules Committee wants to make sure that the banned list does not create any unfair or unfun interactions.

  • Card’s impact on the overall gameplay experience

    Finally, the Rules Committee considers the card’s impact on the overall gameplay experience. Does the card make the game more fun and interactive? Or does it make the game less fun and more frustrating? The Rules Committee wants to make sure that the banned list promotes a fun and enjoyable gameplay experience for all players.

  • Card’s impact on the Commander format as a whole

    The Rules Committee also considers the card’s impact on the Commander format as a whole. Is the card warping the format in a negative way? Is it making the format less fun or less competitive? The Rules Committee wants to make sure that the banned list keeps the Commander format healthy and enjoyable for all players.

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format, prevent unfun gameplay, ensure competitive balance, promote deck diversity, consider card power level, and evaluate impact on format. This makes the Commander format more enjoyable for all players.

Addresses potential for abuse

The Commander Banned List also addresses the potential for abuse. Some cards can be used in ways that are not intended by the game designers. This can lead to unfun and uninteractive gameplay.

  • Cards that can be used to create infinite combos

    Some cards can be used to create infinite combos, which can lead to a player winning the game on the spot. This can be very frustrating for other players, and it can ruin the game experience.

  • Cards that can be used to lock opponents out of the game

    Some cards can be used to lock opponents out of the game, preventing them from playing spells or attacking. This can be very frustrating for other players, and it can make the game unfun.

  • Cards that can be used to cheat

    Some cards can be used to cheat, such as by allowing a player to draw extra cards or put extra cards into their hand. This can give a player an unfair advantage, and it can ruin the game experience for other players.

  • Cards that can be used to grief other players

    Some cards can be used to grief other players, such as by destroying their permanents or making them lose life. This can be very frustrating for other players, and it can make the game unfun.

The Commander Banned List helps to address the potential for abuse by banning cards that can be used in these ways. This helps to keep the Commander format fun and enjoyable for all players.

Regularly reviewed and updated

The Commander Banned List is regularly reviewed and updated by the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee meets on a regular basis to discuss the format and to make changes to the banned list as needed.

The Rules Committee takes a number of factors into consideration when making changes to the banned list, including:

  • Feedback from the community
  • Data on the metagame
  • Changes to the game

The Rules Committee is always looking for ways to improve the Commander format, and the banned list is one of the tools that they use to do this.

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format, prevent unfun gameplay, ensure competitive balance, promote deck diversity, consider card power level, evaluate impact on format, address potential for abuse, and is regularly reviewed and updated. This makes the Commander format more enjoyable for all players.

Enforced by tournament organizers

The Commander Banned List is enforced by tournament organizers. This means that players are not allowed to use banned cards in their decks in tournaments.

Tournament organizers have the discretion to decide which cards are banned in their tournaments. However, most tournament organizers follow the Commander Banned List that is maintained by the Rules Committee.

If a player attempts to use a banned card in a tournament, they may be penalized by the tournament organizer. The penalty may vary depending on the tournament organizer, but it may include being disqualified from the tournament or having their deck confiscated.

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format, prevent unfun gameplay, ensure competitive balance, promote deck diversity, consider card power level, evaluate impact on format, address potential for abuse, is regularly reviewed and updated, and is enforced by tournament organizers. This makes the Commander format more enjoyable for all players.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Commander Banned List 2024:

Question 1: Why is my favorite card banned?
Answer 1: Cards are banned for a variety of reasons, including being too powerful, leading to unfun gameplay, or warping the format around them. The Rules Committee takes a number of factors into consideration when making decisions about the banned list.

Question 2: Can I play banned cards in my casual games?
Answer 2: Yes, the banned list is only enforced in tournaments. However, you should always check with your playgroup to see if they have any specific rules about banned cards.

Question 3: How often is the banned list updated?
Answer 3: The banned list is updated on a regular basis, typically once or twice a year. The Rules Committee meets to discuss the format and to make changes to the banned list as needed.

Question 4: Who enforces the banned list?
Answer 4: The banned list is enforced by tournament organizers. Players are not allowed to use banned cards in their decks in tournaments.

Question 5: What happens if I try to use a banned card in a tournament?
Answer 5: If you attempt to use a banned card in a tournament, you may be penalized by the tournament organizer. The penalty may vary depending on the tournament organizer, but it may include being disqualified from the tournament or having your deck confiscated.

Question 6: How can I appeal a card being banned?
Answer 6: You can appeal a card being banned by contacting the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee will review your appeal and make a decision based on the factors that they consider when making decisions about the banned list.

Question 7: Where can I find more information about the Commander Banned List?
Answer 7: You can find more information about the Commander Banned List on the official Magic: The Gathering website.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format, prevent unfun gameplay, ensure competitive balance, promote deck diversity, consider card power level, evaluate impact on format, address potential for abuse, is regularly reviewed and updated, and is enforced by tournament organizers. This makes the Commander format more enjoyable for all players.

Here are some tips for playing Commander with the banned list in mind:


Here are some tips for playing Commander with the banned list in mind:

Tip 1: Be aware of the banned cards.
The first step to playing Commander with the banned list in mind is to be aware of which cards are banned. You can find the banned list on the official Magic: The Gathering website.

Tip 2: Don’t try to use banned cards in tournaments.
Tournament organizers are responsible for enforcing the banned list. If you attempt to use a banned card in a tournament, you may be penalized. The penalty may vary depending on the tournament organizer, but it may include being disqualified from the tournament or having your deck confiscated.

Tip 3: Be respectful of the banned list.
The banned list is in place to protect the health of the Commander format. When playing Commander, be respectful of the banned list and don’t try to circumvent it.

Tip 4: Be creative with your deck building.
The banned list can be a challenge, but it can also be an opportunity to be creative with your deck building. There are many powerful and fun cards that are not banned, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different deck ideas.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. By following these tips, you can help to protect the health of the format and ensure that everyone has a fun and enjoyable experience.



The Commander Banned List is an important part of the Commander format. It helps to protect the health of the format, prevent unfun gameplay, ensure competitive balance, promote deck diversity, consider card power level, evaluate impact on format, address potential for abuse, is regularly reviewed and updated, and is enforced by tournament organizers. This makes the Commander format more enjoyable for all players.

If you are new to Commander, it is important to be aware of the banned list. Don’t try to use banned cards in tournaments, and be respectful of the banned list when playing casual games. The banned list is in place to protect the health of the format, and by following the tips in this article, you can help to ensure that everyone has a fun and enjoyable experience.

Closing Message:

Thank you for reading this article about the Commander Banned List 2024. I hope that you have found it informative and helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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